Online Resources
Cincinnati Enquirer
Consumer Health - eBook Collection
Consumer Reports
Full-text of Consumer Reports, from 1991 to the present, is made available via EBSCO's MasterFILE Premier.
Kentucky Libraries Unbound
The KLU consortium provides access to e-books, audiobooks, and magazines for 110 public libraries across the state. Download instructions for using Amazon Kindle Devices.
Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL)
Get the username and password or call 859-342-2665 to access many databases in one place.
KY Libraries Unbound - Libby
Libby is the complete tool for accessing e-books, audiobooks, magazines, concerts, indie films, and classes from experts.
Get started with Libby Help or Libby on Kindle e-Reader!
MasterFILE Premier
A full-text resource for magazines (including some full-text of Consumer Reports), e-books, primary sources, and images.
Newspaper Archive
Newspaper Source
Cover to cover full-text of more than 40 US and international newspapers. Also, selective full-text of nearly 400 regional news outlets.
The New York Times
Must create an account to access The New York Times and its archive.
The Wall Street Journal
US Midwest News
U.S. Midwest Newsstream includes full-text material from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Archives go back to the 1980s.