Request for Proposals - Cleaning Service

Boone County Public Library is soliciting proposals for a cleaning service for five (5) locations. Please review the scope of work and bidding documents. Preference for Kentucky bidders/proposals will be applied in accordance with Kentucky law.  Bids are due to the Boone County Public Library - Main Library at 1786 Burlington Pike, Burlington KY, 41005 on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 3:00 PM EST.

GED Testing


Earn a GED Diploma

If you are preparing for the GED, Boone County Public Library can help! We offer Pearson Vue GED tests on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4:00 to 8:00PM at the Main Library - subject to staff availability.
Visit, create an account to register for the exam, and choose Boone County Public Library Main Library as your testing location.

Test Prep

Free Online GED® Sample Tests
At a quarter the length of actual GED exams, these sample tests will give you a sense of what to expect. Use a laptop or desktop computer for best results.
Learning Express Library
Includes the GED Test Prep Center, which includes skill building and practice tests. GED test preparation in Spanish is included.
KET FastForward
Prep for high school equivalency tests. An independent report showed 9 of 10 FastForward GED® test takers pass and earn a GED® credential.
Boone Adult Education - GED Program & English Classes
Anyone over the age of 18 and not currently enrolled in high school can join our program. All services are free to the student! Call 859-442-1695 or visit for more info.