Request for Proposal - Chapin Memorial Library and Community Consultant

Boone County Public Library seeks proposals from qualified consultants to collect and assess data for the Chapin Memorial Library and Chapin Community. The successful bidder will be contracted directly with the Library. Preference for Kentucky bidders/proposals will be applied in accordance with Kentucky law. Please submit a completed Request for Proposal with Addendum 1 to Main Library, located at 1786 Burlington Pike, Burlington KY, 41005. Bids are due by Friday, April 11, 2025, at 1:00 PM EST.

Boone County Resource Directory

Resource Type
Resource Location

AltaFiber Lifeline Program

Telephone service assistance for low-income seniors and the disabled.

Phone Number
(513) 565-5433
Resource Type
Resource Location

American Red Cross

The American Red Cross agencies provide hotel vouchers for people left homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire. Also, they issue credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food. The Northern Kentucky Service Area includes Boone, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Owen, and Pendleton counties.


2111 Dana Avenue
Cincinnati , OH 45207
United States

Phone Number
(877) 272-7337
Resource Type
Resource Location

Bethany House Services, Inc. (M)

Serves the Greater Cincinnati area. Open 24 hours. Services include: education and assistance to homeless families, emergency shelters, life skills assistance, housing assistance, and shelter diversion and aftercare.


1841 Fairmont Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45214
United States

Phone Number
(513) 921-1131
Resource Location

Boone County Adult Education

Adult Education Services are offered free of charge. Currently, GED prep and testing are also free.


500 Technology Way
Florence, KY 41042
United States

Phone Number
(859) 442-1695

Boone County Health Department: WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)

Assistance for pregnant or nursing moms and children up to 5 years old.


7505 Burlington Pike
Florence, KY 41042
United States

Phone Number
(859) 363-2060
Resource Location

Boone County Office - Division of Protection and Permanency

Investigates child abuse allegations, assists parents in problem solving, and safeguards rights and welfare of abused children.


8311 US Hwy. 42
Suite 2
Florence, KY 41042
United States

Phone Number
Resource Location