Request for Proposal - Chapin Memorial Library and Community Consultant

Boone County Public Library seeks proposals from qualified consultants to collect and assess data for the Chapin Memorial Library and Chapin Community. The successful bidder will be contracted directly with the Library. Preference for Kentucky bidders/proposals will be applied in accordance with Kentucky law. Please submit a completed Request for Proposal with Addendum 1 to Main Library, located at 1786 Burlington Pike, Burlington KY, 41005. Bids are due by Friday, April 11, 2025, at 1:00 PM EST.

Fight Human Trafficking

Fighting Human Trafficking - Attorney General's Office of Kentucky

The Office of the Attorney General is the leading agency in Kentucky's fight against human trafficking.

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Human Trafficking 101

A fact sheet that describes human trafficking, discusses who may be vulnerable, how to identify a potential victim, and how to report a tip.

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Human Trafficking United Way Resources

Human trafficking is illegal in every country but happens across the world - and in all 50 states and territories in the U.S.

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