Request for Proposal - Chapin Memorial Library and Community Consultant

Boone County Public Library seeks proposals from qualified consultants to collect and assess data for the Chapin Memorial Library and Chapin Community. The successful bidder will be contracted directly with the Library. Preference for Kentucky bidders/proposals will be applied in accordance with Kentucky law. Please submit a completed Request for Proposal with Addendum 1 to Main Library, located at 1786 Burlington Pike, Burlington KY, 41005. Bids are due by Friday, April 11, 2025, at 1:00 PM EST.

Homeschool Services

Homeschool Sampler

During the school year we offer a homeschool program called Homeschool Sampler. The program takes place at the Main Library in Burlington on the second Wednesday of each month at 2:30 PM and at the Walton Branch on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 2:30 PM. This program is designed for students in grades 1-5. Each month we explore a different topic through experiments, games, art activities, and discussion.